Hello everyone!
Many of you will have received an email from us regarding your orders being delayed due to a games workshop warehouse move which has had a knock on effect on our due deliveries of stock. We apologise again for this but are hoping that by the end of next week we should be back on track with our deliveries and stock updates.
Now that the bad news is out of the way, its that time of year again, where its a new year new army! Including the full release of the guard (Astra Militarum), World eaters codex and models as well as all the other new releases planned, there is no better time to jump into a new army. What we can offer is bespoke army building with a discount up to 30% depending on if you spend £500 or more and up to 25% under this.
You can also build a list on Battlescribe of what you may want, send it to us via email at info@compositegames.com and we will price it up for you.

We've also got the start of the store crusade campaign which the deadline to join is the 14th of January, so if you want to get involved or need help making a list then you can either email us, message through the website or join our discord!
We also have our DnD sessions starting back up again now we're in the new year, new players are always welcome to join and the main session is on Saturday 5pm-10pm with alternating bi-weekly campaigns, but we are also looking for more people to get involved on a Friday evening 5pm-10pm when we get enough numbers. Opening that late would also mean we have more space for other gaming like magic the gathering, cursed city or even beer hammer!
In other good news our affiliate Northern exile recently reached 11,000 subscribers on Youtube! Congratulations to him and if you haven't already we highly recommend subscribing to him and checking out his amazing content.